Lyubov Shcherbinina is a recognized authority in the field of spiritual health, mentor, contactee, creator of the spiritual-practical method "Energy of the Forces of Light" - on the pages of this book she assures that a person needs to resist evil, transform negative emotions into good, light energies and develop comprehensively.
The book is intended for a wide readership.
Lyubov Shcherbinina - a spiritual healer, a contactee, the creator of the innovative spiritual and practical method "The Energy of the Forces of Light" - is convinced that people, having tuned in to several energy-information frequencies of the cosmos, can become their own healers, independently cleanse themselves of all forms of energy aggression, be filled with life-giving force, activate the energy centers of the body and become more productive people in business and creativity.
The book is designed for the widest readership.
Your own healer
This book presents an innovative spiritual and practical method of interaction with cosmic and planetary channels and talks about healing practices, and the worldview of the author-psychic.
Energy of the Light Forces
Lyubov Shcherbinina is a recognized authority in the field of spiritual healing, mentor, contactee, author of many fictional and popular books - on the pages of a new book she talks about the phenomena of life that can expand human consciousness. It contains notes about God and the cosmos, about religion and earthly reality, about healing and ways to preserve vital energy.
The book is intended for a wide readership.
«We are dedicated».
Lyubov Shcherbinina is a recognized authority in the field of spiritual healing, mentor, contactee, author of many fictional and popular books - on the pages of a new book she talks about the phenomena of life that can expand human consciousness. It contains notes about God and the cosmos, about religion and earthly reality, about healing and ways to preserve vital energy.
The book is intended for a wide readership.
Notes of revelations
Lyubov Shcherbinina is a recognized authority in the field of spiritual healing, mentor, contactee, creator of the innovative spiritual and practical method "The Energy of the Forces of Light", the author of many books on healing - on the pages of this book she shares with readers her practical experience in achieving maximum spiritual realization.
The publication is intended for a wide readership.
Path of enlightenment
Lyubov Shcherbinina is a recognized authority in the field of spiritual healing, mentor, contactee, author of many fictional and popular books, on the pages of this book she gives readers a lot of useful advice on how to maintain, strengthen and increase spiritual and physical health, achieve high results on the path of spiritual realization. The book also contains numerous advice from the Essences of the Divine Hierarchies on proper nutrition, preservation of youth and beauty.