
You can help yourself in real life and become a conduit for healing for others

Lyubov Shcherbinina

I am Lyubov Shcherbinina, a woman of strength, a spiritual healer, a psychologist, a mentor, a conductor of cosmic and earthly energies, a follower of special magical rituals, the author of 22 books.
In my work I use only light channels (energy-informational frequencies) of the spiritual-practical method "Energy of the Forces of Light".

Dedication is given to a person once and for the rest of his life!

If you doubt my words, then listen to your soul. Your soul knows everything! God dwells in it! Ask yourself: will you get here what your soul longs for? Will you really have a connection to high divine energies through initiation? You will receive the correct answer from your soul. Keep in mind that magic is supreme creativity. There is white magic - from God and black magic - from the Devil. Here I offer you only bright, clean energies that bring goodness, light, success, health and prosperity.

The CAUSES OF DISEASES are different for all people, but it is quite possible to help, support, weaken the suffering of a person with the help of special cosmic and earthly channels. Special treatment sessions help recharge the energy of youth, beauty and health. For the development of psychic and creative abilities, it is important that the person's aura is clean, and the chakras (energy centers of the body) function optimally.

Author of 22 fiction and popular books

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Spiritual and practical method "Energy of the Forces of Light"

This method will respond to those who want to change their lives and destiny, to become better, healthier, more self-confident, prosperous and happier. The spiritual practice "Energy of the Forces of Light" will help you receive powerful light energy from cosmic and terrestrial information channels and with its help ascend to new, more advanced levels of spiritual and physical development, teach you to look at yourself with inner vision, find and close the gaps through which you you lose energy.

The "Energy of the Forces of Light" method is suitable for those who have already reached the ceiling in self-realization in traditional ways and do not know where to move on. And those who are stuck in a shell of negativity and cannot get out of it on their own. And those for whom traditional methods of treatment and recovery did not bring the desired result.

Improving yourself from the inside, you improve the world around you outside. And this world will definitely respond, bringing success and good luck, joy and happiness, longevity and abundance. I will only show you the way, moving along which you will achieve any goals. And the most daring and cherished desires seem to begin to come true on their own.

It so happened that around us - a lot of evil, aggression, envy. Enemies, without thinking about the consequences, throw at us unworthy words, thoughts, wishes and intentions. They act destructively, damaging the aura and creating dangerous magical bindings. The "Energy of the Forces of Light" will fill you with strong cosmic energy, which will help you resist such manifestations, discover effective ways to get rid of negativity and thus ensure your safety on a subtle level.

And when a person is securely protected from outside dangers, his subconscious mind opens up to new knowledge and skills. And here the described practice will provide invaluable assistance in personal growth, self-improvement and self-knowledge. Which will inevitably bring good luck and lead to success in all areas.

Also, the method will be useful for those who want to activate extrasensory abilities, treat and heal, become a medium or contactee, learn to diagnose karma. Everyone has all these possibilities, you just need to know how to open and realize them.

The method of spiritual growth "Energy of the Forces of Light" has been repeatedly tested in practice. Hundreds of my students have experienced its effectiveness and efficiency. Join them too!