Many ordinary people treat money as something forbidden. Everyone desires them, but desires are embarrassed. Such attitudes often come from childhood – therefore, it is difficult to get rid of them, because over the years we seem to grow together with them, perceiving such attachments as part of our personality.
In fact, money is a subtle matter with its own energy. This energy is initially neutral. It becomes positive or negative for us under the influence of how we relate to it. Therefore, you can achieve material and financial well-being only after you learn to love, respect and value money and not feel shame for such an attitude.
But that’s not all. Other negative factors also become an obstacle to security: fears and anxieties, doubts and self-doubt, passivity and a “loser complex”, envy and greed. You need to get rid of these attitudes – money should be associated exclusively with joy and generosity, health, optimism and great opportunities.
The so-called “psychology of poverty” also plays a significant role. As long as a person considers himself poor, he will remain so. It is important to get rid of the thoughts “I can’t afford it, because I don’t have financial opportunities.” On the contrary: the more often and persistently we visualize what we want, the more likely it is that such dreams will come true sooner or later.
It is precisely to change the perception that my magical program “Prosperity” is aimed. It cures emotional disorders and disturbances that block the path of monetary energy, helps to cleanse oneself of negative attachments and build effective protection against ill-wishers on a subtle level. And after that, when you become spiritually ready, it opens financial flows.
With my help, you will be initiated into the channels of healing, purification, protection and enrichment. Stop perceiving money as something inferior and unworthy. Get a cash peg that really works. A nice bonus from the master is a conspiracy to attract wealth and a unique “golden mantra”.
Of course, money should not be an end in itself. They are a tool that opens the way to health, peace of mind and spiritual growth, family well-being and personal happiness. They expand the horizons of knowledge and opportunities for personal growth. You will get all this by going through the Prosperity program under my mentorship.
Prosperity Program
Many ordinary people treat money as something forbidden. Everyone desires them, but desires are embarrassed. Such attitudes often come from childhood – therefore, it is difficult to get rid of them, because over the years we seem to grow together with them, perceiving such attachments as part of our personality.In fact, money is a subtle […]